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"Julia's guidance in the whole process, from forming a game plan to crafting multiple essays for admission and scholarships alike, was invaluable.  Her personalized approach helped my son identify colleges that uniquely fit his needs, many of which we might not have considered.  As a result, my son not only received a strong number of acceptances, he also feels really great about his choices."

parent of senior at UC Santa Cruz

"I’m happy to be able to say that, with the help of your camp this past summer, I have had pretty wild success when it comes to applications ... the most helpful thing [rising seniors] can do is to start working on all this stuff over the summer, especially the essay and supplements, and not to put it off . . .”

Member of Yale University's class of 2023

"One of the things I most appreciated was how kind and accepting Julia made us feel, even though everything was done over Zoom. She still helped bring us together over our common goals to start preparing for college. I gained a lot of knowledge about the common app process and what it takes to write a personal essay, as well as some insight into what colleges I might want apply to and even what kind of person I’m interested in becoming once I start college."

Student of College Application Bootcamp, summer 2020

“I began working on my post-high school plan in my senior year.  The infinite possibilities were both exciting and staggering, and having Julia there to hash out ideas with me was key in making a sturdy plan--one flexible enough to allow for the spontaneous, and concrete enough to leave me feeling secure.  We met as often as needed, and during that time she would ask questions and give tasks that helped to break down and clarify the process of planning--from going through lists of colleges and talking about the pros and cons of each, to helping put together a resume, and much more.  She encouraged me to keep all my horizons open--making sure I knew my options, listened with an attentive honest ear, and gave me positive and supportive attention.  Now a year later, I can say with confidence that her support has made a big difference in feeling some security in my life, as I begin to step into this uncertain new world beyond the walls of high school.”

HS graduate, happy, productive member of society

What is remarkable about Julia is her sincere and deep concern for the students she teaches and advises. I’ve always had the sense that teaching and mentoring students is truly a vocation for her. I believe she really does care, at not only a professional but also a deeply human level, about the success of the young people she works with.

Parent of graduate of Bennington College

Testimonials: Testimonials
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